Gillett Square was developed as a liberated public space bordered by Hackney Co-operative Developments commercial premises. Working with Hawkins/Brown Architects we rehabilitated derelict housing and combined elements of new build in order to provide Dalston with  offices, workshops and retail facilities for local businesses as well as arts and voluntary organisations, opening them up to the community by placing them around this highly active central square.

HCD firmly believe in the value of cultural activities as a positive agent in developing community cohesion and in we have further developed the way that we deliver arts programming in Dalston by working with partners to develop Gillett Squared, lead by Hackney Co-operative Developments, delivering the cultural programming which plays a key role in the socially cohesive regeneration of this rapidly changing area of Dalston, and at the same time works to retain its diversity and showcase its creativity.

Gillett Square hosts an exceptionally wide range of programmed and spontaneous activities which take place both day and night, attracting to Dalston all sections of the neighbourhood, visitors from all over the world and a range of new initiatives for public space projects.